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The Second Brain When Treating Autism, Alzheimer's, & Parkinson’s Disease

The Second Brain When Treating  Autism, Alzheimer's, & Parkinson’s Disease

Hello everyone, I'm so happy that you came to visit today.  @The Love Of Quincy.  For those of you who are here for the first time, my name is Lynette.  I am a wife and a mother of three.  I’m also a caregiver to one of my children, who was diagnosed with autism, which has allowed me to come across a lot of useful resources and health suggestions.  This platform will have stories of trials and triumphs that came from answered prayers.  There will be some funny stories because one of the first rules of a caregiver is to have a sense of humor (Laugh).  Even if there are some days you may feel like crying.   I have some funny stories; believe me when I tell you they did not seem funny at all to me at the time, but when I took the time to pray and step back and see whatever the problem was with some fresh eyes.  Later, in some cases, suddenly, that thing seemed pretty funny to me.  I'm thinking about one incident right now, but I will save that story for another time.   Today, I want to share some important information with you about the Second Brain.

What is the second brain?  You can locate your second brain in your gut.  It's responsible for those butterfly feelings you get when you are excited or when you're nervous.  That sick feeling in your stomach when you are scared or distressed.  Enteric Nervous System (ENS) is the medical term for the second brain.   You have two thin layers containing 100 million nerve cells makeup (ENS).  The Cells Lines are in your gastrointestinal tract, which runs from your esophagus all the way down to your rectum.  Extensive research has found the Second Brain  (the gut) Has a major effect on mood, cognition, behavior and energy.
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You're probably wondering right now how does this affect me as a caregiver.  Well, in my journey with Quincy, I found a strong correlation between good gut health and improvement in his mood, cognition, improvement of speech, and behavior.  So, to put it in simple terms, if we were having a good tummy day, it was a good day if we were having a bad tummy day, watch out world, here he comes. Lol.   Once I found out about this information, it was very important that I kept his gut healthy.  This meant making sure the good bacteria in his digestive system were doing well because they were the ones responsible for the messages that were sent to his “First Brain” in his Head, and I needed those messages to be good messages.  So his speech can improve, and the way he understands the world can improve, his behavior can improve.  The moment when I made it my business to take care of that Second Brain, life was a lot easier for him; life was a lot easier for us.  

Now, here is the kicker and another piece of information I would like to share with my caregivers.  Really, to me, all that stuff made a whole bunch of sense about taking care of your gut.  So, I started taking care of my of my gut health also.  In the process, I started to see improvement in my own energy, mood, and my concentration.  This allows me to be more productive in my day as a wife and a mother/caregiver.

I thought today, that this would be a great place to start in sharing information that I thought had been very helpful in Quincy’s journey, in which I also received an unexpected benefit, too.  So, before jumping right into suggestions of techniques, resources, and recommendations of helpful things and places, to me, the Brain is a good place for us to start.  I believe it is extremely important to take care of our Command Center; believe it or not, it all starts with your Gut.  Being a caregiver can sometimes take a toll on our bodies, our minds, and sometimes our spirit.  My prayer here at 4 The Love Of Quincy is that you will find the help and resources for both you and your loved one.   A place where we as caregivers will emerge from our journey vibrant, full of life and vitality, and certainly never looking like what we've been through.  

So, let's jump into what I believe to have been heaven for Quincy, myself, and my family.  It is Sea Moss. This natural nutrient rich is derived from the sea. It is high in minerals such as iodine, potassium, calcium, and 92 of the 102 minerals important for our bodies.  Sea Moss has so many health benefits, too many for me to mention, but here are a few listed below. 

Antiviral and antioxidant
Joint and tissue health
Recovery from cancer
Regulates central and peripheral nervous system function
Improves digestive system
Boosts mind function


Purchase the Sea moss 

It’s so wonderful for skin and hair health, and it has incredible anti-aging benefits. And while all those things were wonderful for me, let me tell you that this changed the game for Quincy.  Using the Sea Moss allowed Quincy's digestive system to heal and repair.
Now, Do you remember all that I said about the Second Brain? Once we had repaired Quincy's digestive system, we started to see improvement in Quincy's ability to focus. There was a decrease in his hyperactivity; his mood improved, and his behaviors seemed to have decreased. There was an improvement in his cognition. His attempts to communicate increased, and his ability to understand language had improved.  He was now able to understand more of what we were saying to him. What a blessing!  This is when we found out from our personal experience that improvement of the gut has a strong impact on the brain. This is not only for autism, which Quincy has, but research has indicated it can be helpful for

Alzheimer's disease
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Friedrich ataxia
Huntington’s disease
Lewy body disease
Parkinson’s disease
Spinal muscular atrophy

It may be worth giving it a try to see how nourishing the body and correcting the gut works out for whatever your loved one’s current situation is.  And as for you, my Caregivers, I urge you to start a regiment of Sea Moss for yourself to reap the benefits of improved mind and energy. I hope this was informative and helpful for you on your Caregiver’s journey.  I have left in the link below for the type of Sea Moss that I use for me and my family it is Finest Herbal Shop Jamaican Organic Wildcrafted Sea Moss because all are not created equal.  This is the one I have come to trust for me and my family,  I invite you to have a look If you happen to have any sea moss available to you, make sure you do your research to know the quality of the product you are taking. Just make sure you stay informed on whatever product you choose.  Most importantly, I hope that you will give Finest Herbal Shop Jamaican Organic Wildcrafted Sea Moss a chance.  Also, look out for my video on my YouTube channel, 4 The Love of Quincy, where I would demonstrate how to make the perfect Sea Moss gel,  I would love to get any feedback on how it has helped you or your loved one.

Until next time, Love and Blessings from 4 The Love of Quincy.  

So let's jump right into what I think was a game changer for Quincy's

So that we, as caregivers along with our loved ones, can be the best version of what our Heavenly Father intended us to be.  




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